Saturday, February 16, 2008

Been a long time

So I realize that it's been many months since my last post. I guess its a good thing I didn't have too many regular readers, otherwise people may have gotten pissed.

Well, what has happened over the past few months? Well, I finished semester one of med school, came back to school, and the economy has been a little rocky. Every day that I go to class I keep on thinking how good its gonna be when we get to go to the hospital and aren't in class all day long.

This semester has been different for sure. We seem to spend less time in actual class, usually start around 10, but everything just seems either more difficult to understand or is taught less effectively. But whatever, I will get through it because I have to.

In other news, I am trying to wrap up my summer plans which will hopefully consist of India, Europe, and a project in New York or Michigan. Everyone seems to put a lot of emphasis on these "experiences" for CV's and residencies, I guess I will try to get them.

And that's the Gulati Opinion...